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EMergy is a bond that combines us with our respectful clients. Transforming the available energy into a more efficient one is a key aspect for our successfulness. EMergy is a construction company specialized in the electrical and mechanical fields for a wide range of projects with a concentration in energy saving advanced methodologies and techniques. Since all goods and services from the environment, society and the economy can be expressed in EMergy units; they can be directly compared to assess the condition and sustainability of a system. The EMergy approach provides policy and decision-makers with a valuation system so that human and natural environments can be better managed. Our 5 business units help drive efficiency, reduce costs, and improve our clients overall performance. The Company provides complete solutions for the execution of the following systems: · Hearing, Ventilation, Ait-Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR). · Plumbing. · Fire-Fighting. · Electrical (Power and Lighting).